Theme Jewelry that creates a fusion of Japanese culture and culture of Ancient Greece Jewelry that creates a fusion of Japanese culture and those of the European Royal Courts of the Middle Ages Jewelry that creates a fusion of Japanese and New York cultures Jewelry that uses techniques that take advantage of material characteristics in an innovative way
Entry submission period June 1st, 2011 - August 31st, 2011(Designs postmarked on August 31st will be accepted)
Category Diamond jewelry design Bridal jewelry design (including engagement rings, marriage rings, or both) Bridal tiara design
Eligibility Anyone with an interest in jewelry is eligible, regardless of your nationality or residence. Designs submitted for the award must be original and previously unpublished designs.
Special Judges Ryohei Miyata, President, Tokyo University of the Arts Senju Hiroshi, President, Kyoto University of Art and Design Mizuno Rinri, President, Hiko Mizuno Jewelry College Sejima Kazuyo, Architect and more judges.
Judges Ichiro Iino, Professor of Craft, Tokyo University of the Arts Kimiaki Kageyama, Educational Adviser, Hiko Mizuno Jewelry College Haruhito Nozawa, Chief Director, Japan Jewelry Craft School Koei Shiraishi, President, CIMA Co.,Ltd.
Contact World Jewelry Design Award Office at CIMA Co., Ltd. Address: 1-7-10 Ginza Fuji building 5F, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Postal Code: 1040061 Telephone: +81 3 5843 3031 FAX: +81 3 3567 8094 *We are fully committed to protecting your privacy. *Please be aware that we will not return all designs submitted to WJD Award.